Today at Pink and Polka Dot she is having an ugliest sofa contest.
I think I've got this one!
Let me give you a little background.
She is approximately 43 years old. My parents bought her for their formal living room about 1967. So this "beautiful" green and gold fabric was very much in style at that time. I think she is dressed in a "modern style" because I have never seen another like her.
She is 78" long (that's over 7 ft!I had to pull out my tape measure), the seat cushion is attached, and each of the back cushions is an individual. The cushions along her back have loops that slip over the finial posts along her to hold them in place. Kinda confusing so here is a close up:
Some of her loops have long since bitten the dust.
And as you can see, her makeup has faded in places.
Now don't get me wrong, she has been a part of our family for a very long time and has stood the test of two (me & my sister) little girls growing up, and my sisters family when they were starting out and now is with me. She was probably tested most in my household, 4 boys can really test an ageing maidens sensibilities! But she has stood strong.
I believe she deserves a Makeover, what do you think?
Ugly, yes. But can she be made into a beauty again??
Vote for her,she needs the love!!!
PS ~~ Now cross your fingers that I can figure out how to join the party