The picture above is from Google Earth and shows the area as it looks now. I think there were about 10 homes total in the whole neighborhood during the time I was growing up. I'm kind of guessing, memory not to clear on the exact number. Everyone knew each other. We didn't lock our doors during the day, except for the front door; all family and friends knew to come to the back door anyway! In fact, most times we would call out "knock, knock" and walk right in.
Our little neighborhood was surrounded by woods then, which made for great summer time play. My sister and I grew up playing with the 3 boys next door. Many a summer game of hide and seek, Red Light - Green Light, climbing trees, and riding bikes.
Neighborhood cookouts held at one family or the others back yard. Papa Joe's BBQ, Mr. Whitfield's catfish stew, churned ice cream, card games, playing in sprinklers, and sometimes music provided by The Mills' family musicians. Many a happy memory of times gone by. Holidays & Birthdays celebrated together and enjoyed by all. July 4th always at Papa Joe & Gigi's house, because it was also Gigi's birthday! On Christmas morning we were back and forth between houses seeing what each had gotten and exchanging gifts. Easter Sundays, dressing up and going to church and then coming home to hunt Easter eggs.
Some of those neighbors have passed away now, some have moved (after my sister and I married Mama sold the house and moved also), us kids have grown up and have our own family's now but the memories remain. And the special place in my heart that each of those childhood neighbors and friends hold will ensure that they will always be carried with me.
© Michelle Deal 2014 All Rights Reserved
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